It’s time to do it together

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The launch of Women in Business comes at a time when gender equality in the workplace and business is more important than ever. The network aims to empower women and open opportunities for them to achieve their professional goals without unnecessary obstacles.

The founder of ‘Women in Business’, Clara Lapiedra, together with Marta Alamany commented: “We are excited about the potential of this platform to change the way women connect and advance their careers. We look forward to seeing women from all over the world grow together and make business history.”

The network has already gained the support of prominent business leaders and gender diversity experts, which bodes well for the future of this professional network. This platform promises to be a catalyst for the success and advancement of women in business, opening a new chapter in the fight for gender equality in the workplace.

In short, ‘Women in Business’ is a response to the need for an inclusive and supportive space where women can share knowledge, network, seek mentoring, and collaborate on business projects. The platform brings together women from diverse industries, from entrepreneurs and business leaders to professionals in technology, science, education and many other disciplines. All with the aim of doing business as a woman. And you, what do you want to contribute?

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